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Training: The Links Between Human and Animal Abuse

Crisis Center North, in collaboration with the Keystone Link Coalition (the Pennsylvania affiliate of the National Link Coalition), is currently offering a series of live webinars to address the link between animal abuse and domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse, and others. By recognizing the co-occurrence of human and animal abuse, service providers in all fields will be better equipped to stop abuse at the lowest possible level: If abuse is stopped in a family when a pet becomes the first victim, it may never develop further to harm a child, a spouse, or others.

Currently, two webinars have been conducted in 2024 and are available below, with a third webinar to be announced for Fall 2024. These first two webinars are available for free below:

Webinar 1: Safer Together - Cross-Reporting for Humane and Human Services

This is the recording of the "Safer Together - Cross-Reporting for Humane and Human Services" webinar presented by Phil Arkow of the National Link Coalition on Feb. 28, 2024. The webinar was hosted by Crisis Center North and the Keystone Link Coalition, and sponsored by the Richard King Mellon Foundation. For more information about the Keystone Link or to become involved, please contact Michael and Victoria at info@crisiscenternorth.org

Webinar 2: Safer Together: Deep Dive into Child/Animal Abuse, Cross-Reporting for Humane and Human Services

This is the recording of the "Safer Together: Deep Dive into Child/Animal Abuse, Cross-Reporting for Humane and Human Services" webinar presented on April 24, 2024. The webinar was hosted by Crisis Center North and the Keystone Link Coalition, and sponsored by the Richard King Mellon Foundation. For more information about the Keystone Link or to become involved, please contact Michael and Victoria at info@crisiscenternorth.org

Thank you to presenters:

Claire Coughlin, Coordinator of the Animals and Interpersonal Violence program, and Safe Havens for Pets project, Animal Welfare Institute

Nikki Thompson, Chief Humane Society Police Officer, Bucks County SPCA

Webinar 3: Fall 2024, to be announced